The Process

How We Do What We Do

Each horse is different, and each case requires different methods along the rehabilitation road. Every horse who enters the Honor the Horse Foundation will receive the highest quality care on a day-to-day basis as well as any vet, farrier or preventative care that is needed. Many behavioral problems are caused by chronic pain, so a thorough vet exam is the first step to ruling out any major medical problems as well as intervening on anything minor that may be causing discomfort.

Once the initial physical evaluation is complete, horses are given a chance to decompress and simply be a horse while receiving energy work and spending quality time with humans on a regular basis. This is crucial for the emotional and mental well-being of the horses, as they are often coming from high-stress situations. Most horses who will become part of the Honor the Horse Foundation have “flunked out” of several different training programs/attempts. We believe it’s important to hit the reset button and allow the horse some time to get back to a more neutral state.

Typically within 21-30 days of arrival, the horse begins their journey towards mental and emotional peace with horse trainer and Equine Behaviorist Jess Roberts. The horses are allowed to progress at a pace that is comfortable for them, being pushed lightly when needed and given breaks when necessary. Jess is an expert at healing the most broken horses and allowing them to love, trust and enjoy humans again.

Once the horse is more mentally and emotionally sound and healthy, the journey towards finding a purpose they truly enjoy begins! Whether this a career as a riding horse, a liberty/trick horse, or a hiking/walking companion, the horse is shown many different avenues and we decide which path feels best for the horse! Training continues until each horse is a happy and willing equine partner. At this point, they begin the search for their forever home!

Horses who are not able to completely heal from their pasts or become safe, happy, and willing partners are welcome to stay as a forever part of the Honor the Horse Foundation, living the best life with horse friends, food, and top-of-the-line care until their last days.